, Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM) are central to the GF's commitment to local ownership and participatory decision-making. These country-level multi-stakeholder partnerships develop and submit grant proposals to the GF based on priority needs at the national level. After grant approval, they oversee progress during implementation. CCM include representatives from both the public and private sectors, including governments, multilateral or bilateral agencies, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, private businesses and people living with the diseases, The GF is a partnership organization designed to accelerate the end of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria

, Key populations at risk for HIV have the highest risk of contracting and transmitting HIV. They also have the least access to prevention, care and treatment services because their behaviours are often stigmatized and even criminalized, as is the case of MSM, sex workers and injecting drug users

, Biopolitic is 'a power that has taken control of both the body and life or that has, if you like, taken control of life in general-with the body as one pole and the population as the other, pp.252-253, 1976.

, This is because of a formal political inclusion in State-action policies

, The term Practice (s) is understood here as a set of actions, attitudes, procedures, behaviours or conducts in relation to others or to a specific situation

, Each of these are specific claims regarding the environment or non-human natural world (ecological citizenship), the biological condition (for example for people who are sick or at risk), the sexuality (where same-sex couples are denied rights recognized to heterosexuals couples), or the use of technology to change the society

, The word 'Citizen' comes from the Latin 'Civis', but the citizen status is an invention of Greek philosophy, The concept citizenship has its roots in Antiquity

, PLWA emphasize more and more their lay expertise. Their actions within the health system have contributed to 'health democracy, 2015.

, Interview conducted via Skype, 2015.

, However most of them became aware of what to say, how to react, what to ask and who to call to in case of issues with the law. Sometimes, some are arrested without any warrant of arrest. Simply asking if there is any warrant arrest can stop abuse, or if not

, Following the work of Bayart on extraversion strategies (Bayart 1989), by extroverted State we want to highlight the significant imbalance between rich countries and poor countries in the process of globalization

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