, HDACi modulate decitabine-induced RIG- 1 and MDA5 expression in MPM cells Meso45 (middle) and Meso96 (down) cells were treated with: VPA 5 mM48 h) in combination or not with decitabine (5-aza) 500 nM (72 h pretreatment) RIG-1 (left) and MDA-5 (right) mRNA expression were measured using real time PCR, Additional file 10: Figure S7

, Lymphocytes obtained by elutriation were treated with decitabine (5-aza) 500 nM (72 h) Figure are examples of results obtained on A) natural killer cells (NK) and B) regulatory T cells (Treg) using flow cytometry. (PDF 281 kb) Additional file 12: Figure S9. Determination of HDAC1 inhibition properties of ODB, Additional file 11: Figure S8. Effect of decitabine on Treg and NK cells NODB, ODH and NODH. Recombinant HDAC1 activity in the presence of increasing doses of ODB, NODB, ODH and NODH were measured using Fluor de Lys® Drug Discovery Assays (Enzo Life Sciences)

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