. Rddm, RNA-directed DNA methylation; RNA Pol III: RNA polymerase III

R. Gred, Transposable element Acknowledgments The congress was mainly funded by Alliance pour les sciences de la vie et de la santé (Aviesan) Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS research group Mobile genetic elements: from mechanism to populations, an integrative approach Université de Rennes 1 and Région Bretagne, and Mobile DNA (BioMed central) Other sponsors were the Society for molecular biology and evolution (SMBE), Institute of Human Genetics Hybrigenics and Beckman Coulter genomics. Work in MB's lab is supported by intramural funding from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and by grants from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-12-BSV6-0017 and ANR-14-CE10-0005-01) and the ARC Foundation for Cancer Research (ARC) (PJA 20151203521) Work in SC's lab is supported by the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM) (DEP20131128518) and the ARC (PJA2015-1203231) Work in the laboratory of GC is supported by the ARC, RNAi: RNA interference; RNP: Ribonucleoprotein particle; scnRNA: short noncoding scan RNAs Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA) the ANR through the 'Investments for the Future' (LABEX SIGNALIFE) and the FRM (DEP20131128533). Work in CV's lab is supported by intramural funding from the CNRS, the Université Clermont Auvergne and the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), and by a grant from the ANR (ANR-PlasTISIPI). Work in HQ's lab is supported by intramural funding from the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)

J. Work-in, s lab is supported by a grant from the ENS Lyon NG's lab is supported by intramural funding from the INSERM and by grants from the ANR (ANR-12-BSV6-0003, RETROGENO) Work in PL's lab is supported by intramural funding from CNRS, the Université Paris Diderot and the INSERM, and by grants from the ANR, ) and the Canceropôle Ile de France, pp.2015-2016

M. Bétermier, S. Chambeyron, M. Chandler, R. Cordaux, and G. Cristofari, Author details 1