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Table 1.

Distribution of genotype and allele frequencies of the RELN gene 5′UTR triplet repeat polymorphism in autistic patients and their parents

Patients (n=218) Parents (n=436)
4–8 1 (0.5%) 1 (0.2%)
4–10 1 (0.5%) 1 (0.2%)
5–8 1 (0.5%) 0
5–10 0 1 (0.2%)
7–8 0 1 (0.2%)
7–10 1 (0.5%) 0
8–8 36 (16.5%) 68 (15.6%)
8–10 84 (38.5%) 192 (44.0%)
8–11 2 (0.9%) 3 (0.7%)
8–12 1 (0.5%) 3 (0.7%)
8–13 8 (3.7%) 15 (3.4%)
8–14 1 (0.5%) 2 (0.5%)
8–16 1 (0.5%) 2 (0.5%)
10–10 70 (32.1%) 127 (29.1%)
10–11 2 (0.9%) 2 (0.5%)
10–12 1 (0.5%) 3 (0.7%)
10–13 8 (3.7%) 13 (3%)
10–14 0 – 1 (0.2%)
13–13 0 – 1 (0.2%)
4 2 (0.5%) 3 (0.3%)
5 1 (0.2%) 1 (0.1%)
7 1 (0.2%) 1 (0.1%)
8 171 (39.2%) 355 (40.7%)
10 237 (54.4%) 467 (53.6%)
11 4 (0.9%) 5 (0.6%)
12 2 (0.5%) 6 (0.7%)
13 16 (3.7%) 29 (3.3%)
14 1 (0.2%) 3 (0.3%)
16 1 (0.2%) 2 (0.23%)
Mol Psychiatry. 2002; 7(7): 801–4.
doi: 10.1038/sj.mp.4001071.