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Figure 6.

Alpha rhythm imaging. (A) Comparison between the experimental block-paradigm (eyes closed/eyes open) and the normalised power in the alpha band. Top line: no artefact correction. Middle line: imaging artefact correction. Bottom line: cardiac artefact correction after using IAR imaging artefact removal. To get a picture of the accuracy of the estimated EEG, the cross-correlation coefficient r between the paradigm and the alpha power is indicated below each plot. (B) Glass brains obtained using the power in the alpha band as a regressor convolved with the hemodynamic response (p = 0.005, uncorrected). Left: without any artefact correction. Middle: using IAR imaging artefact removal. Right: using IAR imaging artefact removal and AAS cardiac artefact removal. As an indication, the number of voxels activated (top line) or deactivated (bottom line) is indicated for each glass brain.

Neuroimage. 2007 October; 38(1): 124–37.
Published online 2007 August 7. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.07.025.