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Figure 5.

Plots of the SNR obtained from simulations of the cardiac artefact removal. (A) SNR as a function of the cardiac artefact mean amplitude (from 10 to 200 μV). A rough indication of the corresponding magnetic field strength (1.5T and 3T) is provided as a reference. (B) SNR as a function of the QRS detection jitter (from 0 to 50 ms). (C) Distribution of the SNR as a function of the EEG frequency. Simulation parameters (unless otherwise specified): 20 channels; EEG sampling rate: 1024 Hz; time series duration: 180 s; jitter standard deviation: 25 ms.

Neuroimage. 2007 October; 38(1): 124–37.
Published online 2007 August 7. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.07.025.