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An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc., usually as some form of binary object. The name of referred object is halms753873f2.jpg

Fig. 2.

Single parcel ( inline-graphic halms753873ig3) artificial data generation process using two experimental conditions (M = 2). From left to right: label maps q m are hand-drawn. Conditionally on them, NRL values { , jinline-graphic halms753873ig3} are drawn from Gaussian distributions with means μim and variances vim whenever . Then, for any given voxel j, the stimulus sequence of a given experimental condition m is multiplied by the corresponding NRL value . The resulting sequence is convolved with a normalized HRF h γ which is common to all conditions and voxels. Nuisance signals are finally added (drift Pℓ j and noise b j ) to form the artificial BOLD signal y j .

IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2013 May; 32(5): 821–37.
Published online 2012 October 19. doi: 10.1109/TMI.2012.2225636.