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Fig. 13.

Results for the Computation-Sentences contrast obtained by the VEM and MCMC JDE versions compared to a GLM analysis. Top part, from left to right: NRL contrast maps for MCMC, VEM, and GLM, with sagittal, coronal and axial views from top to bottom lines (neurological convention: left is left). Middle part: plots of HRF estimates for VEM and MCMC in the two parcels circled in inline-graphic halms753873ig16 and inline-graphic halms753873ig17 on the maps: inline-graphic halms753873ig18 and inline-graphic halms753873ig19, respectively. The canonical HRF shape is depicted in dashed line. Bottom part: axial maps of estimated regularization parameters β̂ for the two conditions, computation (comp.) and sentence (sent.), involved in the CS contrast. Parcels that are not activated by any condition are hidden. For all contrast maps, the input parcellation is superimposed in white contours.

IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2013 May; 32(5): 821–37.
Published online 2012 October 19. doi: 10.1109/TMI.2012.2225636.