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An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc., usually as some form of binary object. The name of referred object is halms285215f1.jpg

Figure 1.

Number mapping task with numbers 1–10. A horizontal segment, labelled with a set of one dot on the left and a set of 10 dots on the right, was constantly present on screen. Numbers were presented visually as sets of dots or auditorily as sequences of tones (see 24), Mundurucu numerals or Portuguese numerals. For Mundurucu numerals, a rough translation into Arabic numerals is provided (e.g. “pũg põgbi xex xep bodi” ≈ “one handful (and) two on the side” ≈ 7; “xex xep põgbi” ≈ “two handfuls” ≈ 10). For each stimulus, participants pointed to a place on the line, and the experimenter clicked it with the computer mouse, which made a small bar appear.

Science. 2008 May; 320(5880): 1217–20.
doi: 10.1126/science.1156540.